365 days ago: Milford Track, 4th day

New Zealand, South Island, Milford Track, 4th day.


  • Ending the 53 kilometre track at Sandfly Point. If you wonder about the name of this place: don't. It is what it sounds like. There is a hut to wait for the boat, built for the walkers to be safe from rain and sandflies. We couldn't enjoy the sun outside and had to sit in the sticky air of the hut because... you just cannot imagine it. There is a Maori legend that says that one god created the gorgeous mountains, another god came and said "you have to make some flat places, for the people to live on them", then he created the piece of land where Sandfly Point is, then a goddess came and said "this is so astonishing beautiful, people just stand and contemplate it in awe and cannot work", then he created the sandflies. Good job. No way you can stay still there without being truly attacked by thousand of little insects. If you walk they just ignore you, thank that god for that.
  • Seeing lots —lots— of huge and gorgeous waterfalls all the way. We would have stopped for hours in front of them any day before, but not after having seen the mother of all waterfalls.
  • Enjoying the boat trip to the other side of the sound, a quiet farewell to those majestatic landscape. Can you spot the boat on the picture? It is not a little boat.
  • Having another delicious hamburger at Fergburger, back in Queenstown. It was one too many after the diet we followed at the Milford Track.

Rest of the travel published so far: here.

Virginia Romo

Fashion and style illustrator based in Germany, working everywhere. Clients: Dior Parfums, Chanel, Hugo Boss, Guerlain, L’Oréal Paris, Maybelline, Lillet


365 days ago: l'arrivée à Akaroa


365 days ago: Milford Track, 3rd day