before I leave, I leave

Before I leave for my annual paradise-holiday next Saturday, I will be tomorrow and Friday working for Fiat in Cologne. Same job I did last week here in Stuttgart: There is a car parked (!) inside a department store, visitors can test drive the car, can win a trip to Italy and, if they get photographed with the car, I draw a sketch on that photo, something they like about Italy and the Italian lifestyle: wine, food, architecture... and of course, the sea, that is definitely the winner motive.

I was very happy as the Italian agency who runs this campaign called me and then I got sort of scared, since I had not drawn in public before. But it was a very pleasant job: lot of joy around me, no corrections needed (a big plus) and very nice co-workers attending the booth. The cocktail afterwards in a fancy lounge was especially nice. This is how the whole thing looked like:

And it seems that my client is also happy with the result, for after Stuttgart came Cologne and then will come Frankfurt and Munich. I will report here. But before I do, I will disappear for three weeks in the Adriatic sea. See you afterwards, enjoy the summer.

Virginia Romo

Fashion and style illustrator based in Germany, working everywhere. Clients: Dior Parfums, Chanel, Hugo Boss, Guerlain, L’Oréal Paris, Maybelline, Lillet

...and the livin' is easy


Pilates Nr. 2 - Training the brain