vernissage: every day arrives

After 11 months of planing the day of yesterday arrived: we opened our exhibition "Stuttgart illustriert" with a party that fulfilled all our expectations. Thank you, dear guests, for coming and making it possible.

Five to seven everything was ready to start. Including the illustrators, happy to show their work:

photo: Bojan Koprivica
photo: Bojan Koprivica

Then the guests started to come, the music started to play:

Matthias Bender (member of the board of the Illustratoren Organisation e.V.),  Vera Schmidt and Inga Knopp-Kilpert (two of the orga-ladies) had a few nice words for the exhibition and our world made out of drawings, and the music of Gee Hye Lee went on:

The gallery GEDOK was full:

The guests showed real interest and seemed to like what they saw:

And we... we definitely had fun. Thank you all!

Virginia Romo

Fashion and style illustrator based in Germany, working everywhere. Clients: Dior Parfums, Chanel, Hugo Boss, Guerlain, L’Oréal Paris, Maybelline, Lillet

Boxed ballerinas (final work)


waking up the walls